Day: March 17, 2023

Gratitude writing :D

I am grateful for being alive because I get to see wonderful things. I am grateful for having the gift for being good at sports. (Volleyball,rugby,basketball and cricket)

Secondly I am grateful for having friends because they are supportive they give me joy and make me laugh they are always there through thick and thin.

Last but not least I am grateful for having family because they make me yummy food, they love me and they put a roof under my head I love my family because they are supportive.

Why having lock down drills are important

Why having school drills are important

One reason why it’s important for schools to have Lockdowns drills, is because you are keeping yourself ready and safe, the students have been educated to lay flat down and stay silent. Keeping yourself and your peers safe.


Another reason is that you might have a massive fear of scary mysterious things and you will definitely. freeze and do not know what to do. That is why this school is here for us and our safety is their number one priority. And that is why we have to have lock down drills